Georgia Resiliency and Integrity Training

GRIT is a group workshop where collaboration, communication, and vulnerability are explored as participants work together to create an environment of learning. This hour long training will provide students with a chance to challenge themselves as well as the opportunity to work on their own personal well-being and capability to persevere. Active participation and discussion is encouraged to allow students to receive the full GRIT learning experience. After the completion of the workshop, participants will meet one on one with a GRIT leader to discuss their goals further. Students can expect to walk away with strategies and practical next steps in how to best respond to different challenges. Any and all students are encouraged to sign up and participate in GRIT. We’re looking forward to seeing you!
Please use the link above to find a date that works for you.
GRIT Resources
Contact Us
Student Conduct
247 Memorial Hall, Athens, GA 30602
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Office of Student Conduct is located on the 2nd floor of Memorial Hall. It is the white building located next to Sanford Stadium. When visiting our office, check in at room 247, which is most easily found through the upper-level entrance on Hooper Street.
Report a Potential Conduct Violation
Individuals interested in submitting a report of potential Code of Conduct regulation violations should do so in writing. Reports not submitted in writing will be independently verified prior to beginning a conduct investigation. Reports should be submitted as soon as possible after the alleged violation. For individuals filing a report, a meeting can be arranged with a staff member in the Office of Student Conduct to discuss the conduct process. Reports should be submitted to Rebecca Scarbro, Director for Student Conduct, by calling 706-542-1131 or emailing