Something Bigger Than Myself

I stumbled upon UJ at my summer orientation fair my freshman year. I knew I wanted to be part of something bigger than myself, and I knew that I wanted to join an organization that would provide support to the university community and also help my professional development.
University Judiciary has been the single most important organization for my development as a UGA student. Over the past three years, I have improved my listening, writing, and analytical skills. I have gained empathy for students who are struggling with serious issues with mental health, addiction, and anger management, and I like to think my work in the conduct process has improved their personal and professional lives by holding them accountable for their actions, while offering support for necessary growth and development outside of the classroom.
We are a unique organization rooted deeply in the pillars of the arch—wisdom, justice, and moderation. While we may not be the most sensationalized organization, what we do has a profound impact on the climate of integrity that we are privileged to experience as students at this university. We have a commitment to our students, faculty, and alumni to uphold the value of a degree from this institution, but we have to balance our commitments with candor and fairness to each and every student going through the conduct process.
Among my responsibilities as a justice, I serve as UJ’s Director of Case Administration for Justices. I have the opportunity to plan and execute procedure and education for our justices, and make sure that they are all best informed in preparation for complex student hearings. Serving as a council member has provided me with comradery, a sense of belonging, and an advanced ability to think critically and quickly. I have never had the privilege to work with so many intelligent, educated, professional, and diverse opinions, and the relationships I have made with fellow UJ members are ones I will carry for life.
Outside the hearing room, Judiciary works to be an inclusive body for all students. Through various public affairs events, we offer education and resources, so students can find productive opportunities to have a fun time without violating the Code of Conduct. I am particularly fond of our spring event “101 Things to Do in Athens without Drugs or Alcohol.” Our members love to see students flourish in ways that will prevent them from ever making contact with our office. Through my involvement, I have seen many students realign their values to set themselves up for success.
— Daniel Bettis
Contact Us
Student Conduct
247 Memorial Hall, Athens, GA 30602
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Office of Student Conduct is located on the 2nd floor of Memorial Hall. It is the white building located next to Sanford Stadium. When visiting our office, check in at room 247, which is most easily found through the upper-level entrance on Hooper Street.
Report a Potential Conduct Violation
Individuals interested in submitting a report of potential Code of Conduct regulation violations should do so in writing. Reports not submitted in writing will be independently verified prior to beginning a conduct investigation. Reports should be submitted as soon as possible after the alleged violation. For individuals filing a report, a meeting can be arranged with a staff member in the Office of Student Conduct to discuss the conduct process. Reports should be submitted to Rebecca Scarbro, Director for Student Conduct, by calling 706-542-1131 or emailing