Student FAQs

Individuals interested in submitting a report of potential Code of Conduct regulation violations should do so in writing. Reports not submitted in writing will be independently verified prior to beginning a conduct investigation. Reports should be submitted as soon as possible after the alleged violation. For individuals filing a report, a meeting can be arranged with a staff member in the Office of Student Conduct to discuss the conduct process. Reports should be submitted to Rebecca Scarbro, Director for Student Conduct, by calling 706-542-1131 or emailing
All conduct regulations are provided in the Code of Conduct. Examples of behaviors that could violate the Code of Conduct include underage possession or consumption of alcohol, driving under the influence, possession of a fake ID, use or possession of marijuana or other drugs, disruptive conduct, possession of weapons, assault, theft, and interfering with the conduct process.
Yes. Students abide by the Code of Conduct whether they are on campus, in the residence halls, or off campus.
Some of the most common Code of Conduct violations include alcohol related misconduct, disorderly conduct, and misuse of identification.
The Office of Student Conduct is located in room 247 of Memorial Hall. Enter from the Hooper Street entrance and enter the hallway straight through the double doors.
The Office of Student Conduct receives complaints, copies of UGA and ACC police reports, and referrals from individuals and University departments.
UGA’s Responsible Action Protocol states that students who call for, seek, or require emergency assistance for an alcohol or other drug related emergency may not be subject to mandatory alcohol and other drug sanctions under the Code of Conduct. Students considered for the Responsible Action Protocol are required to meet with a member of the Office of Student Conduct who, after evaluating the situation, may also refer the student to a substance abuse specialist in the John Fontaine, Jr. Center for Alcohol Awareness and Education for assessment, counseling, and/or possible referral for treatment.
If you receive a letter from the Office of Student Conduct, call (706) 542-1131 to schedule an appointment with the administrative officer that sent you the letter. Call by the stated deadline to avoid having a hold placed on your student records.
Before your meeting, you should review the Code of Conduct and the conduct process, as well as watch our informational video found here.
During the meeting, the administrative officer will review the Code of Conduct and discuss the conduct process including how we receive reports and resolution options. You will be provided an opportunity to share additional information regarding the incident. If the administrative officer has enough information to move forward with the case, the student has the option of resolving through the informal or formal resolution process.
An informal resolution occurs when the student or student organization takes responsibility for the alleged violations and agrees to the sanctions proposed by the administrative officer. A formal resolution occurs when the student or student organization disputes the alleged violations and/or proposed sanctions and wants to have the alleged violations decided by three panel members consisting of two students and one faculty/staff member.
The Office of Student Conduct facilitates an educational process that is separate from the legal process. Because our process is educational in nature, and intentionally designed to help you learn from the incident, there are instances where your case may be resolved through the University prior to the legal process has been resolved.
It is not necessary for a student to have an attorney present during meetings with an administrative officer, but an attorney may attend conduct meetings with the expressed permission of the student.
Minimum sanctions are the least that can be given to alcohol and drug related misconduct. Additional sanctions can be assigned and are at the discretion of the hearing panel or administrative officer based on circumstances regarding the incident and prior record. Minimum sanctions apply to all alcohol and drug violations, not just underage drinking.
Examples of sanctions outlined in the Code of Conduct include probation, restitution, community service, housing restrictions, educational sanctions, suspension and expulsion. This list is not exhaustive, and sanctions are assigned to meet the specific circumstances of a given situation.
If a hold has been placed on your account by the Office of Student Conduct, it typically means that you have not scheduled your meeting with your administrative officer or completed your sanctions by the stated deadline. Call your administrative officer at (706)542-1131 for further clarification.
Once signed, an informal resolution agreement cannot be appealed. However, the student or organization may appeal the decision from a formal resolution issued by the University Judiciary. Appeal information will be included with the decision issued to a student or organization. Appeal forms are available in the Office of Student Conduct and on our website. All appeals must be in writing and submitted within five (5) University business days of receipt of the decision. The purpose of appeal procedures is to provide the student with the opportunity to bring forward questions regarding substantive or procedural errors that occurred during the process.
Any violation of the Code of Conduct is noted on the student’s conduct record. The conduct record is a separate record from the academic record; violations are not noted on a student’s transcript or diploma. However, many graduate or professional schools and some employers may request a copy of the conduct record (see “Will anyone ever request to see my conduct record?” below). In the case of expulsion, a notation may be made on the student’s transcript at the request of the Office of Student Conduct.
The Office of Student Conduct processes Dean’s Certification requests which are required of some professional schools (law, medicine, pharmacy, etc.), graduate schools, undergraduate schools for transferring students, and/or other academic programs such as study abroad. Dean’s Certification provides information that verifies a student’s conduct record (or lack thereof) and/or academic record at the University of Georgia.
As outlined in the Code of Conduct, the Office of Student Conduct will notify your parents or guardians every time you are found to have violated the Code of Conduct policies on the use or possession of alcohol or other drugs while under the age of 21. We do not notify parents or guardians of any other violations, nor do we send out police reports.
The requirements for community service include completing the required numbers of hours and submitting the appropriate paperwork (i.e. log sheet and group reflection).
If we receive a report and your administrative officer feels that there is enough information to move forward, suspension is dependent on the discretion of the conduct officer or hearing panel based on the incident and on any applicable probationary terms.
You will need to contact the Office of Student Conduct at (706)542-1131 to schedule a meeting with your administrative officer to discuss your return as well as completion of your sanctions.
Join University Judiciary, a student organization responsible for aiding the Office of Student Conduct in adjudicating conduct cases and educating the campus community about the Code of Conduct. The University Judiciary is open to undergraduate, graduate and professional students with at least a 3.0 who have not violated the Code of Conduct. Applications are available each fall semester and can be found on the University Judiciary website. More information about University Judiciary and the application process can be found here: University Judiciary
Yes, student organizations are expected to comply with the Code of Conduct.
For more information about the Office of Student Conduct, please review our informational video found here.
Contact Us
Student Conduct
247 Memorial Hall, Athens, GA 30602
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Office of Student Conduct is located on the 2nd floor of Memorial Hall. It is the white building located next to Sanford Stadium. When visiting our office, check in at room 247, which is most easily found through the upper-level entrance on Hooper Street.
Report a Potential Conduct Violation
Individuals interested in submitting a report of potential Code of Conduct regulation violations should do so in writing. Reports not submitted in writing will be independently verified prior to beginning a conduct investigation. Reports should be submitted as soon as possible after the alleged violation. For individuals filing a report, a meeting can be arranged with a staff member in the Office of Student Conduct to discuss the conduct process. Reports should be submitted to Rebecca Scarbro, Director for Student Conduct, by calling 706-542-1131 or emailing